2-Bedroom Apartment, Aviamotornaya St.

Season namePriceMinimum rental termFromTo
-14 574 Turkish lira (w)-January 1, December 31,
Listing ID:18
Type:Rent out a property
Property type:apartment
The nearest metro stations:Proletarskaya
Address: United States, New York, New York City, Aviamotornay St., 22/12
Price:Turkish lira 14 574 per week

2-Bedroom Apartment on Aviamotornaya St.

Number of bedrooms:3
Floor:4 floor of 9 total
Total square:60 m2
View:Courtyard view
What is near?:Near metro station

Periods of free / reserved day
- Reserved
- Free

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General information
  • United States, New York, New York City
    • Total square: 60 m2
    • Apartment, 3 bedrooms
  • Rent out a propertyTurkish lira 14 574 per week
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